MIKE MAGEE, M.D. – Curriculum Vitae
Medical Historian, Presidents College, University of Hartford
Editor, Health Commentary (www.healthcommentary.org)
Correspondent, The Health Care Blog
Medical Historian, Presidents College, University of Hartford (2019-present)
President, Positive Medicine Inc. (2007 – 2023)
Vice President, Global Medical and Scientific Affairs, Pfizer Inc. (1997 – 2007)
Director, Pfizer Medical Humanities Initiative, Pfizer Inc. (1997 – 2007)
Senior Vice President, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA (1991 – 1997)
Affiliate Liaison to the Dean, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA (1993 -1997)
Vice President, Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA (1986 – 1991)
Medical Editor, WWLP-NBC Channel 22, Springfield, MA (1987 – 1991)
Surgeon, Urology, Franklin Medical Center, Greenfield, MA (1978 – 1986)
28 Wendy Lane
West Hartford, CT 06117
January 20, 1948
Teaneck, New Jersey
Married in 1970 – Patricia
Children: Michael, Mitchell, Marc, Meredith
Lemoyne College (BS – Biology)
S.U.N.Y., Upstate Medical School
Syracuse, New York (MD)
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio (Exec. Program in Health Care Mgmt.)
David Rockefeller Fellowship, NY, NY
Intern in Surgery
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
First Year Residency, Surgery
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Urology Residency
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
David Rockefeller Fellow
New York, New York
1994 – 2000 Professor of Surgery
Jefferson Medical College
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1991-1994 Associate Professor of Surgery
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1987-1994 Assistant Professor of Surgery
Tufts University School of Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
1992-1997 Guest Lecturer, Executive Program in Health Care Management
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
Honorary Master Scholar, New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York (2000 – 2007)
Senior Fellow in The Humanities, World Medical Association, Geneva, Switzerland (2002 – 2004)
Distinguished Alumnus, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC (2008)
Ignatian Award for Professional Achievment, LeMoyne College (2009)
Visiting Scholar, Trinity College MBA Program, Hartford, CT (2012)
Provident Bank Chair of Corporate Responsibility, St. Thomas Aquinas College, NY (2010 – 2012)
Visiting Scholar, C. Everett Koop Institute at Dartmouth (2015 – 2017)
Medical Historian, Presidents College, University of Hartford (2018 – present)
Senior Fellow in Health Policy, Center for Aging Services Technologies, Washington, DC (2007 – 2020)
Commissioner, National Commission for Quality Long Term Care (2007 – 2012)
Editor, HealthCommentary.org (2007 – present)
Correspondent, The Health Care Blog (2022 – present)
Vice-President, Science and Medical Advocacy, Pfizer, Inc (1997 – 2007)
Director, Pfizer Medical Humanities Initiative, Pfizer Inc (1997 – 2007)
Senior Vice President, Academic and Medical Affairs, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1991 – 1997)
Vice President, Medical Affairs, Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Massachusetts (1987 – 1991)
Director, Provider Relations, Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Massachusetts (1986 – 1987)
Medical Staff Director to MESH (Medical Staff/Hospital Association), Franklin Medical Center, Greenfield, Massachusetts (1984 – 1986)
Coordinator of Quality Assurance, Franklin Medical Center, Greenfield, Massachusetts (1979 – 1983)
BOARD POSITIONS (2000 thru 2012)
National Caregivers Alliance, Washington, DC
National Center For Ethics and Social Responsibility, Sparkill, NY
Rocking Chair Project (www.rockingchairproject.org)
American Academy of Family Physicians: Executive Advisory Board
American College of Physicians: Advisory Board
American Association of Medical Colleges: Community Service Grants Board
National Health Museum
Medbiquitous (Medical Information Standards) Board
VSA (Very Special Arts For The Disabled) at the Kennedy Center: Board Chairman
Medimedia International Health and Film Festival Awards
CTAC (Coalition To Transform Advanced Care)
Amedisys Medical Advisory Board
New York University School of Medicine (2000 – 2004)
Master Scholars Program Advisory Committee
Jefferson Medical College (1994 – 1997)
Admissions Committee
Affiliations Committee
GME Leadership Training Committee
UGME Advisory Committee
Professional Faculty Committee
Pennsylvania Hospital (1991 – 1997)
Board of Managers Committee
Professional Staff Executive Committee
Medical Staff Executive Committee
Senior Vice Presidents Committee
Administrative Staff Council
Chairman’s Council
Residency Affairs Committee
Credentials Committee
Bylaws Committee
Joint Conference Committee
1980 American Board of Urology
1983 American College of Surgery
Massachusetts – #41945 (retired)
Pennsylvania – #045649-L (retired)
1974-1975 American Cancer Society, Resident Fellow, University of North Carolina
1983-2007 Consultant in Medical Communications, American Medical Association
1984-1990 Board Member, Boston Medical Library
1984-1986 Executive Board MESH, (PHO precursor developed by Paul Ellwood, MD)
1985 Congressional Testimony, Medical Informatics
1987-2000 National Communications Faculty, American Medical Association
1988-1997 Executive Board, National Association of Physician Broadcasters
1986-2000 Contributor, American Medical News, AMA
1988-1991 Medical Broadcaster, WWLP-NBC Springfield
1990-1991 Physician Advisor, Fund Raising Committee, Massachusetts Hospital Association
1991-1992 President, National Association of Physician Broadcasters
1992-1997 Board, Operation Smile International – Philadelphia
1992-1993 Member, Blue Ribbon Vision 2000 Panel Hospital Association of Pennsylvania
1992-1993 Member, AMA Public Health Advisory Panel
1995-1997 Director, Mission to Philadelphia, Philadelphia Board of Education
1995 –2000 Board, Arts & Medicine Section, College of Physicians of Philadelphia
1993 The Ken Alford Lifetime Community Service Award, NAPB
1996–2010 Board, Medimedia International Health and Film Festival
1997–2007 Consultant, Alpha Epsilon Delta, National Pre-Med Honor Society
1998–2007 Consultant, AAMC, Medical Humanities, Creator of “Humanism in Medicine Award”
1999 -2007 Consultant, AMA Pride in the Professions Awards
2000–2007 Honorary Master Scholar, NYU School of Medicine
2003-2007 Executive Producer, HealthPolitics.org
2002 – 2004 Senior Fellow in Humanities, World Medical Association
2008 Distinguished Alumnus, University of North Carolina School of Medicine
2014 Distinquished Alumnus, Ignatian Award for Professional Achievement, LeMoyne College, Syracuse, NY
National and International Societies:
American College of Surgeons
American Medical Association
American College of Health Care Executives
American College of Physician Executives
American Urologic Association
National Association of Physician Broadcasters (President, 1991-1992)
Coalition To Tranform Advanced Care
National Commission On Quality Long Term Care
Regional Societies:
College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Massachusetts Medical Society
Northeastern Urologic Association
New England Urologic Association (Treasurer, 1988-89)
New York Medical Society
Ohio State University Graduate Alumni Association
Pennsylvania Medical Society
Philadelphia County Medical Society
Womack Surgical Society, University of North Carolina
1986-88 Associate Editor, Massachusetts Medicine
1986-91 Medical Editor, Medical Digest, WHAI, Greenfield, MA
1989-91 Medical Editor, WWLP-NBC, Springfield, MA
1992 Guest Editor, Physicians Guide to Quality, January, 1992
1992-1997 Editor-in-Chief, Operation Pride
1996 Health Management Editor, JAMA Rounds, American Medical Television, AMA
1996 Editor, The 50 Most Positive Doctors in America
1998-2007 Editor, Positive Profiles web site (www.positiveprofiles.com)
2003 Editor, All Available Boats: The Maritime Evacuation of Manhattan Island on 9/11
2003-2007 Editor, Health Politics Weekly Webcast (www.healthpolitics.org)
2007 – present: Editor, HealthCommentary.org (www.healthcommentary.org)
2007- 2020: Editor, Healthy-Waters.org (www.healthy-waters.org)
The impact of teenage health volunteer programs on the selection of health as career. $20,000, Baystate Medical Center.
Strategies and programming to encourage consumer acceptance of the Massachusetts Health Care Proxy Law. $20,000, Baystate Health Systems.
Factors influencing nurse/physician/management relationships. $10,000, Massachusetts Hospital Association, Massachusetts Organization of Nurse Executives.
Collaborative efforts between physician and early childhood educators. Creation of a developmentally accurate idea-per-day resource to assist parents as childhood advocates in the first year of life. $16,000, The Ella Lyman Trust, in conjunction with the New England Journal of Medicine.
Development of model curriculum to enhance positive leadership skills in medical students and residents. $21,000, Pennsylvania Hospital.
Positive Physician Profiles: Development of positive benchmark profiles for medical student training. $35,000, Hulda McKay Research Foundation.
Identification of multiple factors compromising childhood access to health care in an at-risk urban environment. Development of working interfaces between the Medical and Educational professions. $50,000, Mission to Philadelphia.
Development of Positive Leadership Initiative for Physicians. Jefferson Medical College. $50,000.
Definition of factors impacting the patient-physician relationship and strategies to strengthen that relationship within the context of evolving health care systems and consumer expectations. $600,000, Pfizer Inc.
Community Service Initiatives conceived and driven by American medical students. $250,000, Pfizer Inc.
AAMC identification of leadership role models in medicine by medical students. $100,000, Pfizer Inc.
AMA identification of humanistic role models. $100,000, Pfizer Inc.
Defining behavioral issues that compromise the health status of men in the United States. $75,000, Pfizer Inc.
Identification of behavioral traits in high functioning athletes from Senior Olympics. $150,000, Pfizer Inc.
Concept and design of a men’s public health campaign. $50,000, Pfizer Inc.
Consumer concepts in health care risk management. $200,000, Pfizer Inc.
Developing conceptual models for a domestic medical peace corps. $60,000, Pfizer Inc.
Comparative study of evolution of the patient – physical relationship in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, South Africa, and Japan. $320,000, Pfizer Inc.
Fear Levels in New York City 30 months after 9/11. $20,000 Pfizer Inc
Cross-sector public campaign on water as health and environmental issue. $100,000, Pfizer Inc
Vision of Aging: Leveraging Technology Toward Prevention: $100,000, Pfizer Inc
Early Childhood CurriculaTraining of Family Medicine Residents: $10,000, United Health Foundation
Lifespan Planning Records: An Application to Support Strategic Health Planning. $10,000, Intel
Principal Investigator in Multi-center (20 sites) Study: Impact of Rocking Chair Project Home Visit on Empathy Levels in Family Medicine Residents: $10,000, United Health Foundation
Consultant: Home-centered preventive healthcare reform, Center for Aging Services Technology (2004-2008)
Consultant: White House Council on Aging (2005 – 2006)
Senior Fellow in the Humanities, World Medical Association. (2002 –2004)
Educator: Leadership Training, Pfizer Inc (1997 –2007)
Adviser: NYU School of Medicine, Master Scholars Program. (1999 –2003)
Adviser: AAMC: The health status of the patient-physician relationship. Strategies to measure and promote humanism in medical school admissions and training. (1998 –2007)
Adviser: AAMC Annual Humanism in Medicine Award. (1998 –2007)
Adviser: AMA Pride in Profession Awards. (1999 –2007)
Director: Pfizer Housecall program. (1998 –2007)
Manager: Academic Affairs Department at Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, with primary responsibility for all GME, UGME, CME, Academic Information Systems, and affiliate relations with Jefferson Medical College. (1991 –1997)
Curriculum Development: Provided GME leadership seminar series, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. (1991 – 1997)
Curriculum Development: Chief Residents Leadership Training Program at Jefferson Medical College. (1995 – 1997)
Curriculum Development: Health Management Education Series at Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. (1991 – 1997)
Educator: Provided resident and attending education in physician management for Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and Pennsylvania Hospital. (1995 – 1997)
Educator: Provided physician leadership training component for Ohio State University’s Executive Training Program. (1996 – 1997)
Manager: The CME curriculum of the Thomas Bond Society, a medical alumni affairs and development program at Pennsylvania Hospital. (1991 – 1997)
Provident Chair of Health Care Ethics, St. Thomas Aquinas College, Sparkill, NY (2011 – 2012)
1993 “The Physician Customer, Who is He, and Who Will She Become?” Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
1993 “Positive Cycles of Transformation,” Ohio State University 17th Annual Health Management Reunion, Columbus, OH.
1993 “Building Consumer-Oriented, Positive Images in Health Care,” American Medical Association National Communications Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
1993 “Health Care Collaboration: Doing What’s Right,” Health Care Forum, San Francisco, CA.
1993 “Presidential Address: Role of Physician Leaders in Consumer Health Advocacy,” National Association of Physician Broadcasters Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
1993 “Physician, Media and Public Health,” Womack Society, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
1993 “Payor/Provider/Supplier Interfaces in Health Education and Health Reform,” Keynote Address, Medical Marketing Association, Lake Tahoe, NV.
1993 “Involving Physicians in Information System Development,” HIMSS, Coere d’Alene, ID.
1993 “Physician Leadership and Trust: The Central Ingredient to Positive Transformation of Health Care,” AHA National Convention, Orlando, FL.
1994 “Information Flow: The Backbone of Vertically Integrated Health Networks,” Second Annual Health Information Conference, Washington, DC.
1994 “Precision in Medical Reporting,” AMA Health Broadcasters Conference, Orlando, FL.
1994 “The Effect of Health Care Reform on Professional Relationships within Academic Medical Centers,” Ohio State University Executive Program, Columbus, OH.
1994 “Clinical Date Sharing: The Key to Provider Driven Health Care Transformation,” Professional Medical Images, Shrewbury, NJ.
1994 “Hospitals in the Year 2000: Prisons or Hotels?” Hospital Association of Pennsylvania Fall Conference, Harrisburg, PN.
1994 “Preservation of Community Mission in the Age of Health System Integration,” Sacred Heart Health Systems Planning Retreat, Seattle, WA.
1995 “Forging New Kinds of Partnerships: Governance in the Year 2000,” Health Trustee Institute, Cleveland, OH.
1995 “Patient Education: The Next Payor/Provider Battlefield,” Womack Society University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
1995 “Embracing Change Rather Than Resisting It,” Hahnemann University Hospital Leadership Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
1995 “Developing the Knowledge and Skills to Lead in Future Practice Environments,” Jefferson Medical College Leadership Seminar, Philadelphia, PA.
1995 “Enhancing Physician Leadership in a Changing World,” The Institute of Physician Leadership, Pennsylvania Medical Society, Harrisburg, PA.
1995 “Positive Leadership as Criteria for Medical School Enrollment and Determinant in Medical School Curricula Reform,” Eastern Shore Medical Symposium, Rehoboth Beach, DE.
1996 “Addressing Third World Conditions at Home,” MAP International Donor Appreciation Weekend, Jekyll’s Island GA.
1996 “Surviving Organizational Change in Healthcare,” Society of Critical Care Medicine, Orange County, CA.
1996 “Selecting Medical Students for the Year 2000,” Deans’ Forum, Annual Meeting of the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions.
1996 “Physician’s Role in Promoting Participatory Democracy,” Keynote Address, Michigan Hospital Association, Traverse City, MI.
1996 “Succeeding in the Medical School Admissions Process,” Alpha Epsilon Delta Lecture, Philadelphia, PA.
1996 “Utilizing Medical Discoveries to Expand Humanistic and Scientific Care in America,” Discovery International, Palm Beach, FL.
1996 “Breathing Life into Academic Medical Centers: Commentary on the Dartmouth Experience,” College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA.
1997 “Role Models in Caring: LSU Excellence Awards,” LSU Medical Center, New Orleans, LA.
1997 “Pharmaceutical R&D: Assuring Access to New Discoveries,” Texas Women’s Alliance. Dallas, TX.
1997 “Selecting Humanistically Balanced Medical Students,” AAMC, Group on Student Affairs. Denver, CO.
1997 “Quality Health Care: Concepts in Disease Management,” The Ohio Health Commission, Columbus, OH.
1997 “Physician Executive Career Paths.” AMA, Science Reporters Conference, Chicago, IL.
1997 “Robert Wade Memorial Lecture,” Unity Health Systems, Rochester, NY.
1997 “Boston University White Coat Ceremony,” Boston University Medical School. Boston, MA.
1998 “A Case For Medical Student Driven Community Initiatives,” Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA.
1998 “27th Anniversary Family Practice Seminar Address,” Columbus, OH.
1998 “National Conference of State Legislators: Expanding Access to New Discoveries,” Indianapolis, IN.
1998 “Redefining Community Service in Medicine,” LSU Medical Center, New Orleans, LA.
1998 “Legislative Responsibility in an Age of Discovery,” AFUD Annual Symposium, Washington, DC.
1998 “Patient-Physician-Legislative Coalitions,” Voluntary Health Group Association, Boston, MA.
1998 “What Industry Wants from its Medical Educators,” AAMC 109th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
1998 “The State of Medical Education and the Patient-Physician Relationship,” JAMA Panel, Chicago, IL.
1998 “The Transforming Effect of New Medicines on The Health Care System,” California Health Commission. San Francisco, CA.
1998 “Public Image Campaigns that Unite Science and Humanity,” Country Managers Conference, Brussels, Netherlands.
1998 “Connecting with the Patient,” African American Coalition Physician Advisory Board, New York, NY.
1998 “The Development of Positive Leadership in the Modern Multinational Organization.” Global Employee Resources Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey.
1999 “Care Continuums that Reinforce Physician-Patient Access to Modern Medicine,” Neighbor Care Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
1999 “The Pfizer/Kaiser Debate on Viagra,” New York Academy of Science Writers.
1999 “Physician Role Models,” The Harold Wade Memorial Lecture. Dartmouth Medical School and the C. Everett Koop Center, Hanover, NH.
1999 “Nice Doctors,” Plenary Address, Mayo Clinic Annual Career Planning Conference, Rochester, MN.
1999 “Men’s Health Behaviors After 50,” National Men’s Health Collaborative, Philadelphia, PA.
1999 “The Patient-Physician Relationship – Comparison of Philadelphia and National Findings,” College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA.
1999 “Medicine in the Next Millennium,” National Youth Leadership Forum, Boston, MA.
1999 “Viagra, Success Story and Lessons Learned,” R&D Council of New Jersey, Lucent Technologies, NJ.
1999 Plenary Session, Wyoming State Medical Society Annual Meeting. “The Development of Complimentary Clinical and Educational Continuums,” Jackson Hole, WY.
1999 Commencement Address, “The Doctor as Public Servant,” Michigan State University Medical School, Lansing, MI.
2000 “Scholarship in Medicine,” Inauguration of NYU School of Medicine Master Scholars Program, New York, NY.
2000 “Consumer Risk Management,” Blue Ribbon Health Panel, Kennebunkport, ME.
2000 “Healthy Aging in American Men,” Georgia State Health Symposium, Columbus, GA.
2000 “Men’s Health,” Utah State Health Symposium, Salt Lake, City, UT.
2000 “Leadership in Medicine,” AMA 2000 Leadership Meeting, Miami, FL.
2000 “The Physician as Social Scientist,” Annual Guest Lectureship, Oregon Health Sciences University School of Medicine, Portland, OR.
2000 Keynote Address: AMA Presidents Forum, “Goodness and Fairness,” Washington, DC.
2000 “Insuring Access to New Discoveries,” Board of Trustees Lectureship, Memorial Hospital, New London, CT.
2000 “The Role of Medicine in Society,” Annual Guest Lectureship, Chicago Medical School, Chicago, IL.
2000 “Insuring Access,” Companion HealthCare,” Columbia, SC.
2000 “The Complex Issue of Pharmaceutical Pricing,” Legislative Commission, State of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA.
2000 “Avoiding the Creation of a Medical Demilitarized Zone,” Blue Cross Public Forum, Providence, RI.
2001 “Inside-Out Public Relations,” Edelman Worldwide, New York, NY.
2001 “Health Care Leadership and Globalization: Advanced Leadership Training, Worldwide Pharmaceuticals,” New York, NY.
2001 “Role Models in American Medicine,” AMA Annual Leadership Conference, Washington, DC.
2001 “Placing DTC Advertising in Context,” National Medical Association Annual Meeting, Alexandria, VA.
2001 “Social Capital and The Patient-Physician Relationship: A Critical Resource in Healthy Societies,” Keynote Address, 2nd Annual Conference on the Medical Humanities, London
2001 “Governance and Leadership in Health Care,” TIPAAA Conference, Washington, DC.
2001 “Helping Consumers Manage Risk,” FDA/CERTS Consensus Conference, Chapel Hill, NC.
2001 “E-Health Potential Impact on Health Care,” Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY.
2001 “Placing E-Health and Internet in Context,” Silicon Alley 2001 Conference, New York, NY.
2001 “Four Words with Common English Roots: Heal, Health, Whole, Holy,” National Flag Day Ceremony. Congressional Bipartisan Prayer Group, Washington, DC.
2001 “Health Disparities,” Annual Meeting. National Medical Association, Student Forum, Atlanta, GA.
2001 “The New Face of Aging,” Health Sector Assembly, Salt Lake City, UT.
2001 “The Physician and Public Health,” The Annual Meeting of the American Osteopathic Association, St. Louis, MO.
2002 “Principled Leadership,” The Medical Society of the State of New York, White Plains, NY.
2002 “Professionalism in Medicine,” Second Annual Humanism in Medicine Conference, London, England.
2002 “The Value of Public Health Infrastructure,” Indianapolis Public Health Association, Indianapolis, IN.
2002 “Introduction of Secretary Tommy Thompson at World Health Assembly Meeting,” Geneva, Switzerland.
2002 “Dealing with Hatred,” National Flag Day Ceremony, Washington, DC.
2002 “The Future of Family Medicine: Leaders Lead,” Keynote AAFP Annual Student and Resident Convention, Kansas City, MO.
2002 “Covenant of Caring,” National Pastoral Care Association, Fairfax, VA.
2002 “Fulfilling Medicine’s Potential”. WMA General Assembly Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
2002 “Inserting Relationship Based Care Models in the Medical School Curricula; FSU Medical School, Tallahassee,FL
2002 “Role of Family Caregivers in a Civic Caring Society”, Keynote Address, Annual Meeting, CT Assoc. for Homecare, Southington, CT
2002 “The Impact of the National Health System on Relationship Based Care in the UK: A Presentation to the Leadership of the British Medical Association. London, England.
2002 Environmental Factors Which Will Define the Future of Family Medicine: Task Force IV Report “. Kansas City, MO
2002 “The Five Generation American Family: Bridging the Divide. Keynote Address. Third International Conference on Caregiving”. Washington, DC.
2002 “Aging Update”. Health Sector Assembly; Salt Lake City, UT
2003 “Health Equity and Access to Care”. IHMC Global Health Conference; New York, New York
2003 “Leaders in Caring Societies”. American Society of Aging Annual Awards, Chicago,IL
2003 Aiming for Quantum Leaps in Medical and Health Research. Research!America National Forum, Washington, DC
2004 “Islands of Common Stewardship”. North Carolina Medical Society Annual Meeting, Fayettville, NC
2004 Fear Management as a Public Health Imperative. Yale Medical School
2004 Physician Leadership in Civic Societies. Mass Medical Society Annual Meeting
2005 Inside Partnering: Achieving strategic enduring relationship. Pfizer Global Leadership. Budapest, Hungry
2005 Environmental and Health Issues of Water: World Oceans Forum, NY., NY
2005 Politics of Adult Obesity: AMA Obesity Symposium, Chicago, IL.
2005 Social and Humanitarian Leadership, Coast Guard Academy, New London
2005 Embracing Diversity through Disability. Disability Services Providers of America, NY, NY
2005 Emergence of Home Health Managers. American Academy of Family Physicians, Washington, DC
2005 CME and Social Leadership in Medicine. Project GLOBE, NY, NY
2005 The Movement of Health Care into the Home. Presidents Forum, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ
2005 “White House Council on Aging. Vision of Aging video presentation, Washington DC
2006 “Leveraging technology to advance equity and justice among disabled Americans” Disability Service Providers of America, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
2006 “Leading Medicine in 2010.” 2006 AMA Foundation Leadership Award Program, Washington, DC
2006 “Reflections on Health Megatrends” ACP Leadership Conference, Philadelphia, PA
2006 “Health Care Reform in the Americas”. Meeting of AMA, Canadian Medical Association and Mexican Medical Association Leadership, Amelia Island, FL.
2006 “Moving the US Health Care System to Prevention and Wellness”. Keynote, AAHSA Futures Conference, Washington, DC
2006 “Leveraging New Media in Support of the Patient Physician Relationship”. AMA Communications Conference, Phoenix, AZ
2006 “Electronic Continuing Medical Education: New Horizons”. Medbiquitous Annual Forum, Baltimore MD
2006 Consumer Directed Health Care: The opportunity for technology, entertainment, and financial sectors in the health care space”. WCIT 2006, Austin, TX
2006 “Healthy Waters”. Keynote. Cross Currents Inter-religious Faith Colloquium, New York, NY
2006 “A New Value Proposition for the Discovery Industries”. Regional Medical Specialists Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
2006 “Addressing the Health Needs of Non-US Seaman”. Seaman’s Church Institute and US Coast Guard Forum, New York, NY
2006 “Turning Silos to Vapor: How the New Health Populism Will Transform Medicine as We Know It.” AMA Presidents Forum Keynote, Washington DC
2006 “Health Megatrends and the Impact of the Internet on Licensing and Regulation”. National Association of State Medical Boards, Boston MA
2006 “Driving Communication Channels between Doctor and Patient”. Mass. Medical Society/NEJM Leadership Conference, Waltham, MA
2007 “Has Health Care Reached A Tippping Point?” Home Health Summit. Boston, MA
2007 “Intervention to Prevention: Implications for the CME Community. Global EduHealth – Project Globe.NY,
2007 “The Future of Health Care”. Alabama State Medical Society. Wash., DC
2007 “The Qualities of Humanistic Physicians”, AMA Excellence in Medicine Awards. Chicago, IL
2007 “The Future of Health Care and Its Impact on Quality. ACMQ Board Meeting. Balt., MD
2007. “How Technology Might Address Caregiver Social Isolation”, Int’l Long. Cent. Caregiver Alliance. NY
2007 ” The Evolution of Physicians”, UNC Distinquished Alumni Awards. Chapel Hill, NC
2007 “Home-Centered Health Care Transformation”, Koop Institute Annual Lecture, Dartmouth, NH
2007 “Merging CME and Continuing Consumer Education (CCE)”, Medical Education Congress, Phil.PA
2007 “Patient Centered Care”, Mass. Med. Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA
2007 “Looking Toward the Future in Health Care”, ASAE Conference, Wash., DC
2008 “Healthy Waters: Positioning Water as a Health and Envir. Issue”, WEF, Atlanta, GA
2008 “Leveraging Technology on Behalf of Aging Communities”, AAHSA/ALPHA, Miami, FL
2008 “Physician Leadership in Health Technology”, Indiana Medical Society, Indianapolis, IN
2008 “Nursing Leadership in Home-Centered Health”, AMSN, Nashville, TN
2008 “Managing Aging, Consumerism and the Internet”, National Hospice Assoc., Minneapolis, MN
2008 “Future Vision of Aging”, Kendal Corporation, Dartmouth, Hanover, NH
2008 Prioritizing Health Care and Aging Policy, Grantmakers in Aging, Princeton, NJ
2008 “TransVisioning – Transitioning to a New Health Delivery System”, AIDS ADAP Assoc., Florida
2008 Transitioning the Health Care System. Medicare Panel on Caregiving. Wash., DC
2008 Health: Mind, Body and Spirit. Phoebe Ministries Annual Meeting. Harrisburg, PA
2009 National Home Infusion Assoc. Keynote. Leading From Strength. Baltimore, MD
2009 New Models For Health Care. IOM. Integrative Healthcare Summit. Wash., DC
2009 Disruptive Impact Of Technology For Hospitals. AHA Long Range Policy Com., Chicago, IL
2009 AAACN Keynote: Will Ambulatory Nurses Lead The Home Centered Healthcare System? Phil, PA
2009 AMA Executive Briefing: Home Centered Health Care Transformation, Chicago, IL
2009 ACS Executive Briefing: Home Centered Health Care Transformation, Chicago, IL
2009 Lifespan Planning Seminar, Woodruff Leadership Fellows, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
2009 Managing Water and The Planetary Patient. Mass. Medical Society and NEJM. Waltham MA
2009 Water: The Ultimate Integrated Resource. Opening Address. WEF WEFTEC.09 Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL
2009 Lifespan Planning Records: The Missing Link. J&J Wellness and Prevention. Main Line, PA
2010 Global Issues Consortium 2010. PerkinElmer Keynote Address: Healthy Waters. Orlando, Florida
2010 Integrated Water Resource Management. UNC School of Public Health. Chapel Hill, NC
2010 Leveraging Technology in Health Consumer Reform. UNC School of Medicine. Chapel Hill, NC
2010 The World Water Organization High Level Conference on Water and Global Health at the United Nations. Global Water Policy and Health. New York, NY.
2010 Water Matters. UN World Environment Day. Carnegie-Mellon. Pittsburgh, PA
2010 New Directions For Aging. Duke Divinity School and Fuqua School of Business. Durham, NC
2010 Moderator of Open Forum, Human Health Effects of BP Oil Spill. HHS Directed Institute of Medicine Expert Forum, New Orleans, LA.
2010 United Nations World Water Conference: “Water and the Global Health Crisis”
2010 The Future of Health Care. Southern Medical Association Annual Meeting. Memphis, TN
2011 Moving Care Into The Home. Amedisys National Meeting. San Antonio, TX
2011 Master Level Health Communications. Womack Society Annual Meeting, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC
2011 Online Lifespan Planning: The Healthy Person Project. St. Thomas Aquinas College, Sparkill, NY.
2012 An Ethical Approach To Health Care Reform. Provident Bank Executive Management. Rockland County, NY.
2012 “Lessons Learned From Viagra.” Franciscan Friary, NY, NY
2012 Healthy Waters. Masters Class, St. Thomas Aquinas College, Sparkill, NY.
2012 Keynote Address: The Future of Health Reform. American Geriatric Society’s Association of Home Care Physicians. Seattle, WA
2012 Louisiana Health Quality Forum Annual Meeting. Measuring Success in Health Reform.
2012 Keynote: Eli Lilly Company, Leadership and The Planetary Patient. Indianapolis, IN
2012 Trinity College MBA. Innovation In The Health Care Sector. Hartford, CT.
2012 Health Leadership in Long Term Care. Amedisys Regional Meeting. Boston, MA.
2013 Keynote Address: Kenney Research Day. Brown Medical School, Department of Family Medicine and Internal Medicine. The Future of Health Care in the united States, Providence., RI.
2013 Southwest Gulf Coast Regional Home Health Conference. Moving Carer Into The Home. New Orleans, LA
2013 NJ Foundation For Aging. Keynote Address: Inclusion of Informal Family Caregivers Into The Health Care Team. Princeton, NJ
2014 Pharmaceutical Ethics: The Critical Disasters That Yielded Regulatory Legislation in the 20th Century. Committee on Social Responsibility, St. Thomas Aquinas College, Sparkill, NY
2015 Lessons Learned From Viagra. Franciscan Friary. NY, NY.
2016 AIDS Drug Assistance Program Annual Meeting Keynote. Washington, DC.
2016 Stanford Panel on Precision Health, NY, NY.
2016. Home Centered Health Care. LeMoyne College, Syracuse, NY.
2018. The History and Formation of the Medical-Industrial Complex in America. University of Hartford.
2019. The 25th Amendment and the Medical Records of U.S. Presidents. U. of Hartford
2020. The Birth of the Medical-Industrial Complex. Le Moyne College and U. Hartford
2021. Courageous Women in U.S. Public Health. Le Moyne College and U. Hartford
2021. Medical trailblazers and frenemies, Elizabeth Blackwell and Florence Nightingale. Upstate Medical University/The Informed Patient Podcast/May 17, 2021.
2022. The Right to Health Care and the U.S. Constitution. Le Moyne College and Presidents College, U. of Hartford.
2023. The History of Epidemics. U. Hartford.
2024. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Presidents College, U. Hartford.
Mandell, J.; Magee, M. Fried, F.A., “Hypercalcemia Associated with Uroepithelial Neoplasms,” J. Urology 119:844, 1978.
Magee, M.; Fried, FA., A New Embryologic Classification for Uro-Gynecological Malformations, J. Urology 121:265, 1979.
Magee, M., “The Changing Social Implications of Vesico-Vaginal Fistulas: Linked Vesical Catheters – A Useful Adjunct,” J. Urology 122:260, 1979.
Magee, M., “Ureteroceles and Duplicated Systems: an Embryonic Hypothesis,” J. Urology 123:605, 1980.
Magee, M., “Psychogenic Impotence: A Critical Review,” Urology XV, 5, 435, 1980.
Magee, M., “The Embryology of Ureteroceles in Single Versus Duplicated Systems,” Urology, XVIII, 4:365, 1981.
Magee, M. Physiology of Sexual Behavior: Embryologic Organization and Adult Activation. Urology, XXII, 5:467-477. 1983.
Magee, M., “Reflections On The Changes in Medicine Over The Past Fifty Years,” AMA News, May, 1984.
Magee, M., “Medical Education On The Primary Level,” Educational Trends, 1985.
Magee, M., “Elder Health Care De livery: Coordination Between Government and Medicine,” Elder Forum, May, 1985.
Magee, M.,”Statewide Commitments to Medical Information Outflow: Report to Congress,” Congressional Hearings, Part 10, May 21, 1985.
Magee, M., “Physician as Communicator, MASSACHUSETTS MEDICINE, January, 1986.
Magee, M., “Medical Information in Massachusetts: A Historical Look at the Gradual Shift From Libraries to Information Networks,” MASSACHUSETTS MEDICINE, 1987.
Magee, M., “Ethics of Advocacy,” MASSACHUSETTS MEDICINE, 1987.
Magee, M., “New Approach Solves Manpower Shortage,” Volunteer Leader, Vol. 29, No. 3, 1988.
Magee, M., “Physician/Nurse Collaborations,” Medical Staff Leader, Vol. 19, No. 2, p.4, February, 1990.
Magee, M., “Code of Ethics for Physician Broadcasters,” National Association of Physician Broadcasters Journal, December, 1991.
Magee, M., “Blending the Ethics of Medicine and Journalism,” JAMA, Vol. 268, No. 16, p. 2168. 1992.
Magee, M., “Coordinate Approach to Physician Practice Data,” AMA News, October, 1993.
Magee, M., “Promoting Pride in Healthcare,” AHA News, May 10, 1993.
Magee, M., “The Environmental Impact on Health: Creating Supportive Environments that Reinforce Patient Autonomy,” Positive Medicine, September, 1993.
Magee, M., “The 10 Commandments of Physician Image Making,” AMA News, October, 1993.
Magee, M., “Comparison of Public Health Response to Polio Versus AIDS,” AMA News, December, 1993.
Magee, M., “Economics of Integrated Delivery: The Physicians Role,” Medical Staff Leadership Series, May, 1994.
Magee, M., “Choosing the Right Doctor,” AMA News, May 1994.
Magee, M., “Calling All Physicians: Think Positive,” Medical Staff Strategy Report, September, 1994.
Magee, M., “Economics of Integrated Delivery: The Physicians Role in Systems,” The Medical Leadership Forum, Fall, 1994.
Magee, M., “Patient Information: The Next Payor/Provider Battlefield,” Journal of Clinical Outcomes, 1995.
Magee, M., “Medical Media Code of Ethics,” Positive Medicine, January, 1995.
Magee, M., “Characteristics of Positive Physician Role Models for Medical Students,” Journal of Personality Assessment, 1997.
Magee, M.; Hojat, M. “Personality Profiles of Male and Female Positive Role Models in Medicine,” Psychological Report, 1998; 82:547-59.
Hojat, M.; Nasca, T.; Magee, M. “A Comparison of The Personality Profiles of Internal Medicine Residents, Physician Role Models, and the General Population,” Academic Medicine, 1999; 74:12; 1327-1333.
Hojat, M.; Mangione, S; Nasca, T; Coehn, M; Gonella, J; Erdmann, J; Veloski, J; Magee, M. “The Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy, Educational and Psychological Measurement,” 61:2; April 2001; pp. 349-365.
Hojat M., Gonnella JS, Nasca TJ, Mangione S, Vergare M. Magee M. “Physician empathy: Definition, measurement and relationship to gender and specialty,” J Am Psych 159:9, 2002, 1563-1569.
Hojat M., Gonnella JS, Mangione S, Nasca TJ, Veloski JJ, Erdmann JB, Callahan CA, Magee M. “Empathy in medical students as related to academic performance, clinical competence, and gender,” Medical Education 36:6, 522, 2002.
Hojat M., Mangione S, Nasca TJ, Rattner S, Erdmann JB, Gonnella JS, Magee M. “An empirical study of changes in empathy scores among third – year medical students,”.
Magee, M., Hojat M. “Impact of Health Care System on Physicians’ Discontent,” The Journal of Community Health, 2001; 26:357-365.
Magee, M., “Qualities of Enduring Cross Sector Partnerships in Public Health,” American Journal of Surgery, 185, 2003, 26-29.
Magee, M., “Relationship Based Health Care in the United States: Part I: The Role of Enduring Relationships in American Society,” www.wma.org, (accessed September, 2002).
Magee, M., “Relationship Based Health Care in the United States: Part II: The Evolution of the Patient-Physician Relationship in the United States: Emancipation, Empowerment, and Engagement. https://www.wma.net/wp-content/uploads/2003/09/2003_15.pdf
Hojat M, Gonnella J, Mangione S, Nasca T, Magee M. Physician Empathy in Medical Education and Practice: Experience With the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy. In Print. Seminars in Integrative Medicine, 2003.
Magee M. Relationship Based Health Care in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, South Africa and Japan: A Comparative Study of Patient and Physician Perceptions Wordwide. The Journal of Biolaw and Business, Vol. 7, 2003.
Hojat M, Mangione, S. Nasca TJ, Rattner S, Erdmann JB, Goinnella JS, Magee M., An Emperical Study of decline in empathy in Medical School. Medical Education 2004:38: 934-941
Fields SK, Hojat, M, Gonnella JS, Mangione S, Kane G, Magee M: Comparisons of nurses and physicians on an operational measure of empathy. Evaluation and the Health Professions, 2004, 27:1, 80-94
Hojat M., Magee M. “Empathy in Medical Students as Related to Specialty Interest, Personality, and Perceptions of Mother and Father” Personality and Individual Differences, Nov.2005: vol 39, 1205-1215
Magee M., Hojat M., Mangione, S., Nasca, T., Gonnella, J., Empathy Scores in Medical School and Ratings of Empathic Behavior in Residency Training Three Years Later. Journal of Social Psychology, 2005, 145(6):663-72
Magee M. ACPE/Vanguard Group Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses of Home-Centered, Preventive Health Care Reform., 2006. Accessed: http://www.healthpolitics.org/homehealthcare_hrc.asp
Magee M. HealthPolitics 2005 – 2007 Consumer Education Series (188 topic presentations). www.healthpolitics.org
Magee M. HealthCommentary 2007 – 2009 Medical Series (120 topic presentations). www.healthcommentary.org
Magee M. “Home-Centered Health Care: The Populist Transformation of American Health Care”,
Harvard Health Policy Review, Nov. 2007. http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~hhpr/currentissue/Fall2007.pdf
Magee M. “Home-Centered Health Care”. International Journal of Self-Help and Self Care. http://baywood.metapress.com/app/home/contribution.asp?referrer=parent&backto=issue,3,8;journal,3,14;linkingpublicationresults,1:300316,1
Magee M. Powering Healthcare Visions: Taking Advantage of Complexity, Connectivity, and Consumerism. Intel Technology Journal. Volume 13, Issue 3. December, 2009.
Magee M, Hojat M. Rocking Chair and Empathy: A Pilot Study. Fam Med2010 Jul-Aug; 42(7):466-7.
Magee M. Incrementalism and Voluntary Standards Are Not Enough. JAMA, March 8, 2019. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2728102
“Neurology for the Urologist,” J.C.E. Urology, July, 1978.
“Neurology for the Urologist,” Slide-Tape Series, Norwich-Eaton, 1979.
“Neurology for the Genitourinary System: A Self-Instructional Program,” Health Science Consortium, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1978.
“The Pharmacology of Sexual Function” in Pharmacology of the Genitourinary Tract, Eds. A.E. Finkbiner, N. Bissada, G. Barbour, New York Appleton/Century/Crofts, 1981.
“How to Choose a Hospital” in Doctor, I Have a Question, Temple University Press Ed,B. Mc Donough, 1993.
“Choice Tools: A Consumer Advocacy Program,” Positive Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 1995.
“The Patient – Provider Relationship” in Understanding the New Healthcare Consumer, McGraw Hill, 1999.
“The Re-Emergence of Home Health Care: A Holistic Response to Aging and Consumer Empowerment” in Medicine of the Person, Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2006
Basic Science for the Practicing Urologist: A Neuroendocrine Approach to Genitourinary Physiology, New York, NY, Cambridge University Press, 1983.
Geometry of Physician Relations, Positive Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 1994.
The Principles of Positive Leadership, Spencer Books, New York, NY, 1995.
The 50 Most Positive Doctors in America, Spencer Books, New York, NY, 1996.
The Medical School Manual, Spencer Books, New York, NY, 1996.
Pfizer Medical School Manual, Spencer Books, New York, NY, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,2002,2003, 2004, 2005
Positive Doctors in America, Spencer Books, NY, NY 1997, 1999. 2004
Positive Leadership, Spencer Books, New York, NY, 1995, 1999, 2003
The Best Medicine, St. Martin’s Press, New York, NY, 1999, 2003
The New Face of Aging: Success Stories from Senior Olympians, Spencer Books, New York, NY, 2001.
The Book of Choices, Spencer Books, New York, NY, May 2002.
All Available Boats: The Maritime Evacuation of Manhattan Island on September 11, 2001, Spencer Books, New York, NY, October 2002.
Health Politics, Power, Populism and Health, Spencer Books, New York, NY, August 2005
Healthy Waters, What Every Health Professional Should Know About Water, Spencer Books, New York, NY, October 2005
Home-Centered Health Care: The Populist Transformation of the Health Care System, Spencer Books, NY, NY, 2007, 2008
Code Blue: Inside the Medical Industrial Complex. Grove Atlantic, 2019, 2020.
Health Politics Weekly Webcast www.mikemagee.org
§ 188 Archived Programs
§ Over 10 million page views
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Health Commentary Weekly Webcast www.healthcommentary.org (400+ programs archived)
Healthy-Waters Webcast www.healthy-waters.org (2007-2020)
Rocking Chair Project/Zero To Three Early Childhood Development Training www.rockingchairproject.org (2006-2021)